October 13, 2010


I wonder if they have any idea how much I love them- even when I chastise them to BE QUIET constantly. (Daddy is sleeping)

I wonder if there will ever be a dinner time where one does not whine about what I am serving. (I am currently a short order cook,..)

I wonder if the little elves will ever show up to load or unload the dish washer.

I wonder how it is physically possible for the pee stream to go between the seat and bowl and have it be an "accident"

I wonder why laundry can't fold itself- (or why I even bother folding anything when the "favorite dress" is in HEAVY rotation.)

I wonder why Grace will eat if you call it a SNACK- but once you call it dinner- all bets are off.

I wonder if I am a good parent. I wonder daily if there are ways to do this better and really- I guess that's the only thing I can do,...and just be the best I can be.

Wonder is a good thing.

May 1, 2010

It's about THAT time,......

yeah- it's that time for me to announce the birth of my 4th,....really,...Mary and Grace are 18 months apart,....Gracie and Ruby are 2 yrs apart,..so- yeah. I should be having another child here any day now,..but I am not,..(thankyoujesus!) I am a very happy mom to three,..three little spit fires.

So- when folks see that we have three girls- just about every one looks at us in all seriousness and asks,.."are ya gonna try for a boy?" and I look at them and I look at sweet Ruby ( now 18 months) and tell that that SHE is our boy try and this bakery is closed,....no more buns in the ovens at the Mullen house.

oh and if someone could help me figure out why folks are so keen on everyone being a parent to BOTH genders,..like the kids are salt and pepper shakers,...just leave me a comment,.....I love what I have,.....and can't imagine my life differently.

March 10, 2010

I will get better at this again

I promise. I need to get back in the swing of writing. I should update y'all an what's happening here.

Marty is good. Trying to golf more- or at least planning on golfing more once this snow goes away. We had a very mild Nov and Dec and then January and February just piled on the snow. We had 14 days in a row of flurries and accumulations,..it was insane- and I was getting a little stir crazy. The snow drifts and wind were crazy,........

Mary is 4 and a 3/4ths and all signed up to go to Kindy in the fall. I was hoping that we'd be full day kindy by then- but our school district go a waiver so we're still half day and I think our street is in the afternoon. My mary is not so good in the afternoons- so mama needs to see if I can switch to mornings. While Mary won't get to go one the bus- at least we'll have her in the morning session.

Grace is 3 and not yet potty trained. She really has no interest. Mary was the same way. I figure that we'll have a potty training boot camp this summer- so she can have her pee accidents on the lawn and not mommy's couch.

Ruby is 15 months and she walked at 11 months,..she's babbling up a storm. She really is a good, sweet patient little one. We are weaned for the day time and I am working on getting her weaned at night and it is really hard. It's just way too easy to nurse her and get her to stop crying at 2:00 am. The last thing I want is a crying baby at 2:00 am to wake up Grace or Mary or to distrub Marty's sleep- so,...I will get it done,...I am just not sure how,...if anyone has any suggestions,....e mail me!

Wish me luck on keeping up with this blog,....


March 16, 2009


We're good here,..taking pictures and playing with the girls.

Mary is potty trained (YAY) and night trained too,..plus or minus an accident here or there overnight,..but mostly done.

Grace is yammering and growing like a weed.

Ruby is now 3 months old and holding at 13.5 pounds. She is a great baby,..smiles lots and has been sleeping thru the night (YAY!)

that's about it!

email us at Laura.mullen1@gmail.com


January 20, 2009

Peace OUT!

Love this picture,....word!

She's down with it!

January 13, 2009

Ruby is 4 weeks old TODAY!

Ruby is doing great. She latched on like a champ,...we've driven over to Jamestown for Great Grandma Doris' 90th party and she was golden! We had our 3 week appt and she weighed in at 9 pounds 1 oz and has gained an inch in length to be 21.5 inches long.

Mary and Grace are still smitten,...and mommy and Daddy are sleepless. She really is a good baby,..but I wanted to post a shot of her in full cry mode- we don't get it often,..only when hungry and when Grace accidentally drops her 29 pound bootie on Ruby's poor noggin!


I am currently addicted to Facebook! I have connected with so many old friends and work folks,..it's too freaking cool!

Look me up

Mary wants to be Ruby's mommy

Mary likes to hold Ruby,..and here is a shot of Mary attempting to burp Ruby,...like Mommy does,..over the shoulder with Mommy supervising.

Dec 26th Ruby is 10 days old

Mullen girls toss around gang signs to their peeps

both Grace and Ruby have peeps out there that they are trying to communicate with,...Ruby is being held by Becky and her hubby Malcolm is hiding. The other shot is Grace in the tub at about 4 weeks throwing her version of the same sign. We call it the west TX gang thing.

Grace wants MOMMY back

This is photographic evidence that Grace wants to be a close to mommy as possible. Not only does she want her "baby back" after she holds Ruby,..but she wants her MOmmy back ASAP!

Learning to be GENTLE

I think I say "leave Ruby alone" repeatedly- throughout the day,....I am very happy that they like their sister,..but I am not sure that Grace understands that all Ruby will do for a while is SLEEP and eat,......so,...Leave Ruby alone!

Sisters meeting Ruby!

On Wednesday night- the girls met their new sister and were very excited,...almost TOO excited,...They had to leave soon after they arrived,..because they were so squirrely!

Ruby Anne Mullen!

Ruby Anne joined us on Dec 16 at 4:58 pm. She weighed in at 7 pounds 15 oz and was 20.5 inches long. Mommy and Ruby rested that first night while Daddy went home to do Daddy duty with Mary and Grace with the much appreciated assistance of Grandma and Papa Mullen. The girls feasted on McDonalds that night,..while Mommy and Ruby snoozed.

Setting up the tree!

We have created a tradition of hamming it up while we set up the tree. You will note that Grace isn't wearing her bit of green,...but- really- she's only two and not fully initiated into the clan. The old fake tree was/is shedding like a mofo,..so we will recycle this bad boy into outside decorations and get a brand spankin' new tree,....

Grace turned 2! (November 8th)

Grace had a great birthday on November 8th. Great Grandma Doris and Grandma and Papa came over from Jamestown NY to celebrate with us. Mary put on Grace's "princess" gear and put on a show for us.

Snow balls

We had a small accumulation of snow at the end of Oct,..enough to gather up a few snow balls,...Grace prefers to EAT snow,..and Mary likes to catch the flakes on her tongue. I should mention that Grace does not like her hands to get cold,..so- she started WAILING soon after this picture was taken,..and dropped the ball.

Halloween cookies

We made and decorated Halloween cookies,....not only does the black frosting stain your teeth,..and face,..but Momma was pretty surprised to see greenish/Black in the diapers for two days after,.....TMI- I know- but really- TWO days??

Our Dance ritual

We dance every night,...PJ's go on,...the shirts go up over the head - giving a glamorous "hair" like look,..and we shake it on the fire place area. Yeah. we are livin' large in Brunswick!

catching up!

I am way behind,..being pregnant and having a baby will do that,..but since I am finally mailing my "holiday" cards,..and directing people here,..well- I should clean it up and get current.

*laughing* be thankful that they are Happy New Year cards,..and not Happy Easter!