May 1, 2010

It's about THAT time,......

yeah- it's that time for me to announce the birth of my 4th,....really,...Mary and Grace are 18 months apart,....Gracie and Ruby are 2 yrs apart, yeah. I should be having another child here any day now,..but I am not,..(thankyoujesus!) I am a very happy mom to three,..three little spit fires.

So- when folks see that we have three girls- just about every one looks at us in all seriousness and asks,.."are ya gonna try for a boy?" and I look at them and I look at sweet Ruby ( now 18 months) and tell that that SHE is our boy try and this bakery is closed, more buns in the ovens at the Mullen house.

oh and if someone could help me figure out why folks are so keen on everyone being a parent to BOTH genders, the kids are salt and pepper shakers,...just leave me a comment,.....I love what I have,.....and can't imagine my life differently.


Betsy said...

People ask me if we're going to try for a girl and I say, "I have no interest in having three boys. I wouldn't take a million dollars for the two I have, but I wouldn't give you a nickel for another one."

And I'm glad you're not going to have another one- we can still fit everybody into one van this way!

Tracy said...

I have one of each and while we are done, people assume that because we have one of each. Sometimes I am tempted to tell people I am pregnant again just to throw them off...then tell them that decorators advise odd number groupings and that is what we are trying to achieve and then walk away while they scratch their heads. People are weird.