March 10, 2010

I will get better at this again

I promise. I need to get back in the swing of writing. I should update y'all an what's happening here.

Marty is good. Trying to golf more- or at least planning on golfing more once this snow goes away. We had a very mild Nov and Dec and then January and February just piled on the snow. We had 14 days in a row of flurries and accumulations, was insane- and I was getting a little stir crazy. The snow drifts and wind were crazy,........

Mary is 4 and a 3/4ths and all signed up to go to Kindy in the fall. I was hoping that we'd be full day kindy by then- but our school district go a waiver so we're still half day and I think our street is in the afternoon. My mary is not so good in the afternoons- so mama needs to see if I can switch to mornings. While Mary won't get to go one the bus- at least we'll have her in the morning session.

Grace is 3 and not yet potty trained. She really has no interest. Mary was the same way. I figure that we'll have a potty training boot camp this summer- so she can have her pee accidents on the lawn and not mommy's couch.

Ruby is 15 months and she walked at 11 months,..she's babbling up a storm. She really is a good, sweet patient little one. We are weaned for the day time and I am working on getting her weaned at night and it is really hard. It's just way too easy to nurse her and get her to stop crying at 2:00 am. The last thing I want is a crying baby at 2:00 am to wake up Grace or Mary or to distrub Marty's sleep- so,...I will get it done,...I am just not sure how,...if anyone has any suggestions,....e mail me!

Wish me luck on keeping up with this blog,....


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