July 31, 2007

I have been tagged

I've been tagged by our friends Scott and Kelly Carpenter. Is this like a chain letter from Snail mail? Will horribly bad luck befall me if I don't participate? What if I can't think of 8 things? What if I don't have 8 friends to tag? Actually I definitely don't know 8 bloggers that I can tag, so I suppose I will have to do a half-assed job at this and then wait for the swarm of locusts or river of blood or whatever. I promise to only tag those who have not been tagged (yikes)

So here it goes:

  1. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
  2. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
  3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
  4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
  5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Now the 8 true things.

1. Marty and I met on line. We corresponded through e-mail and burned up the phone lines between Boston and Texas for about 5 months before we met in person. While it would be storybook romantic to say that we were instantly linked,..we weren't. I had Dad responsibilites (he had broken his hip) and the thought of moving across the contry for someone- was just out of my grasp. Needless to say- FATE had different plans for us- 9-11 happend and Marty and I reconnected. I think that lots of folks decided at that time- that heck- life is to freaking short to wait for things to work themselves out. By July of the followingyear- I was working at Texas Tech and shacking up with Marty. Five years and two kids later. I know this is the good stuff.

2. I shaved my head- yeah as in shaved it bald when I was working at Seattle U. circa 1993. I am not sure what struck me to have me do this- other than a wild and zany possible alcohol induced moment in my life,..*shrug* I will scan a picture and add it to this list when I get home. I look pretty darn good with a shaved head.

3. I have a group of on line women friends- and we are linked by the fact that we all have May 2005 babies. Of course our babies are all terrible two year old toddlers- but these women from all over the United states (WTF!) are the best and brightest support network I have. We all come from different places and have different experiences and I believe that theyhelp me be a better mom.

4. I am terrible at keepingin touch with friends- I forget to call- I never write a decent letter. If you're on the christmas card list- you get my once a year missive and that's about it. (sorry) I think of you- I promise- but never get the time to call and really catch up.

5. We are a family of tooters. Yes- you read that correctly. I can't help but giggle when Mary or Grace toots. In fact- when Mary first tooted and realized it was her- she scared herself and cried. Call me crass- I can't help myself. Pregnancy was not kind to this Mama and for the mom's out there- you KNOW exactly to what I refer. Yeah- we toot or should I say (to protect the innoscent)- I toot.

6. (Reserved for Marty)

7. (Reserved for Marty)

8. (Reserved for Marty)

I am tagging
Marianne (WTF!)
Kate (WTF!)
Betsy (WTF!)
and I need to scout out who else has NOT been tagged!


Anonymous said...

laura, need pics of shaved head! so you're a family that toots, eh?

CARP said...

So embarrassed to have passed on a chain to you...but I will just blame some other NWS bloggers who got us! Argghhh! Nice effort though.