March 23, 2008

Mama broke her toe- ya think?

Back in February- It was about 1:00am and I had just put Grace back in bed. Mary wandered out and we both fell asleep on the couch. At about 2:30 am Grace cried out again and Mary was frantic. "Gwace is cwying! Gwace is cwying!" I bolted off teh couch and went to the kitchen to get the bottle and then back through the livng room to grab the paci. As I rounded the corner I TOTALLY binked my foot against the monster blue couch and I limped-ran into "Gwace" muttering a few choice bad words.

After a day of limping and nursing my foot,...this is what it looked like. It took about 10 days for the bruising to go away and my pinky toe is still a little vienna sausage.

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