December 14, 2007

Mini- Family Reunion!

I contacted my cousins Bren and Roger (on my Mom's side) that we were going to be in the area,..and asked if they wanted to get together. It had easily been 6 years since I has last seen Bren and maybe 12 years since I last saw Rog. We pinged a few e-mails back and forth and decided to pull together a mini Cheever family reunion. Bren is the crazy man with the beard who insanely hosted us at his house! (thanks Marybeth!) and the group shot is all of us wrangling our kids and the final shot is Marty and I juggling Mary and Grace. We had a good representation of the Cheever clan,....we had 4 of the 6 families there,...(minus Lil's and Charlie's kids)

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