August 23, 2007

It's like dating for Mommies

I did it. I took the plunge. On Tuesday- while the girls were at daycare- I went to the grocery store. This is a MUCH easier task without them. As I was leaving the store, I saw a mommy entering the store holding the hand of a toddler and WEARING a baby that looked to be 6-9 months old. *yikes* I smiled and nodded and follwed my sacker to my car to load up the goods. Someone else was wearing theor baby? in West Texas? Holy cow! I need to KNOW her!

Once free of the sacker dude- I dug in the purse for a scrap of paper and wrote down my details- you know- name, and kids ages. (Maybe I should pre-print these for future use??) I went back into the store- stalking my potential new mommy friend. I was nervous. What if she didn't want new friends? What if she rejected me- and my girls? I was very nervous. She was in produce. She looked like a mommy: Shorts, comfortable t-shirt, hair held back with a band thingy or maybe it was sunglasses on her head? I approached, said excuse me and said all in one breath- "I am new to this stay at home gig- I promise I am not a crazy stalker person. I have a 2 yr old and a 9 month old and I wanted to know if you'd be up to playing together? " (deep breath)

We chatted for a few moments about her boys and my girls and she looked like she may call. I am so excited. I wonder if there is a 72 hour call back rule- like there is in dating?

I will keep y'all posted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Check out the Moms Club-
and MOPS in your area...